Inspired by our fellow member willray411's efforts, below is a comprehensive on how to do everything as a member.
Missing something? Then post below.
Warps/warp Starmine - takes you to spawn
/warp StarCity - takes you to StarCity
/warp donating - takes you to the donator room
Setting a home/sethome - sets a home
/home - teleports you to home.
As builder and donator ranks give you extra homes, use:
/sethome name - used to create a named set home
/delhome name - used to delete a named set home
How to become BuilderSee here: to become Builder+See here: to DonateSee here: things Mines (Money)/balance
/pay name amount e.g. /Pay Snowyboy 5000, will pay Snowyboy 5000 mines (user does not have to be online)
/lottery - displays information about the lottery
/lottery buy - buys a lottery ticket
/worth - tells you the worth of the block/item you have in hand (prices set by server, usually very high, not all items have a price)
Remember, you can earn money by killing hostile mobs, or by setting up a shopSetting up a shop? See here: - displays general mcmmo information
/mc skillname - displayers mcmmo information about that skill - more McMMO commands here: - used on doors, trapdoors and chests (chests autolock on creation) so no one else can open your door
/cmodify name - used to add people to your door/chest protection
/cpublic - allow anyone access
/cinfo - see who currently has access
/cpassword - password your doors
Want your land protected from grief attacks?Ask any admin, they can protect land for you - from sky to bedrock
If you have been griefed, ask any moderator or admin, and they will be able to rollback all the damage - and yes, this includes if someone came along and killed all your sheep too
Manage your own land permissionsYou can now test the protections on your land by holding a feather in your hand, right click the floor, and if you cant see any protection, its time to ask a admin to come along and add some protection to your land
So long as you are the "owner" of your land plot, you can easily add old friends, or your new friends from the server with:
/region addmember REGIONNAME USERNAME
/region removemember REGIONNAME USERNAME
Mob Arena/ma arenas - lists available arenas
/ma join ArenaName - join the named arena, type carefully as its case sensitive
/ma leave - to leave the arena
Other Commands /me text - e.g. /me is hungry, will produce a server message of PeachCai is hungry
/afk - announce to server you are AFK
/kit food - summons food
/accept or /deny - accept or deny teleport request
Builders/tpa name - send teleport request to player
/accept or /deny - accept or deny said request
Disguise CraftDisguise Craft has now replaced MobDisguise
Warriors can: Spider, Sheep (baby + colours)
Knights can: Spider, Sheep (baby + colours), Pigman
Assassins and above ranks can: All mobs (except EnderDragon), includes baby version, all colour sheep, diff sizes of slime/magma cubes, can also set fire to their disguises.
/disguide [mobname]
Extra commands:
/disguise baby [mobname]
/disguise <color> [sheep]
/disguise <burning> [mobname]
/disguise <tiny/small/big/bigger/massive [slime/magmacube]
Common Donator commands/nick text - creates nickname - please do not use coloured text, as it can make for uncomfortable reading
/hat - place the block in your hand on your head - remove the item the same way you would a normal helmet
/tp name - teleport to player
To chest sort, hit your chest with a stick - items will be organised in ID name order
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